Dr Alexander McDonald
Meet Dr Alexender McDonald
Dr Alexander McDonald grew up in the Whitsundays. He completed his formal dental training in Cairns at James Cook University (JCU), where he was awarded an academic medal for bachelor coursework. He then went on to work in the public dental system in Victoria and Tasmania before embarking on a career with the Royal Australian Navy, where he served for five years at the rank of Lieutenant, including Senior Dental Officer HMAS Cairns.
Dr McDonald held a clinical supervisor role at JCU during this time, tutoring senior-year dental students. As an Australian Dental Association (QLD Branch) Board Director (Division 8), Dr McDonald is passionate about engaging with and educating the broader community in the interests of promoting oral health and promoting the crucial role that dental practitioners play in the early detection and management of disease as part of a holistic approach to health care.
Dr McDonald has studied at the prestigious Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and has completed two postgraduate diplomas in orthodontics and dental sleep medicine with the Excellence in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics institution. Dr McDonald was also certified as part of the inaugural Fellowship in Dental Sleep Medicine program with the Australasian Sleep Association and is also the dental representative of the clinical committee. Dr McDonald is a certified orofacial myologist and an active member of the Australian Association of Orofacial Myology.
Outside of work, Dr McDonald enjoys playing golf and squash, hanging out at the beach, and occasionally going for a sail.